OKB “Spetstyazhproekt” LLC took part in the implementation of the large shipbuilding project “22220” – the creation of a new type of Russian nuclear icebreakers “Arktika” and “Sibir”.
The process of assembling new icebreakers demanded non-traditional solutions from the shipbuilders. When installing heavy equipment, the most common practice is to use crane systems of high load capacity. However, for the new, the most powerful icebreakers in the world, the “Arktika” and the “Sibir”, the size of the heavy equipment exceeded the capabilities of lifting systems at the plant. It was impossible to use cranes that are more powerful on Vasilievsky Island, since their height exceeded the permissible height in St. Petersburg. A technological solution was offered by the specialists of “OKB “Spetstyazhproekt”, Science and Education Innovation Center “ENERGY” (BMSTU) and students of the “RK-4” department of BMSTU. For lifting and installing it was decided to use a rigging system, the main elements of which are sliding systems, sliding systems, lifting masts and braces and self-propelled modular tools Cometto
With the help of this system the tanks of steel protection (250 tons each) were raised to the icebreaker “Arktika”, and two tanks of metal protection and three rowing motors, each weighing 310 tons – to the icebreaker “Siberia”.
Project work on the icebreaker “Sibir” was implemented with the use of a portal modular type (MRS-500), developed by specialists specifically for this project. The head of the department Sergey Tropin (the Сhairman of the board of GC “Spetstyazhavtotrans”, doctor of technical sciences) developed this system, which became a real breakthrough in shipbuilding, together with students. Integration of this new technology provided undeniable advantages: the portal with the capacity of 500 tons is more stable than cranes of similar load capacity and is capable of withstanding an extreme wind load. It is compact, has dimensional elements, can be used at any stage of ship construction. Assembly and preparation for the operation of the MRS-500 system takes less than two weeks.