The Organizing Committee of the Competition announced the completion of accepting applications from applicants for participation in the All-Russian industry competition “5 stars. Leaders of the chemical industry – 2021 “. Despite the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the activity of this year’s participants is extremely high.

This year’s participants include the leading enterprises of the holdings, significant for Russian chemistry – SIBUR, PhosAgro, Akron, BSK, Caustic, Pigment, Rusvinil.

In the near future, the Technical Committee of the competition will evaluate the participants in 2021 on a set of indicators that comprehensively characterize production activities, integrity, environmental and social responsibility. In total, the assessment includes about 150 different indicators.

In early October, the Organizing Committee of the competition will determine the winners of the All-Russian industry competition “5 stars. Leaders of the сhemical industry”, which will traditionally be awarded within the framework of the” Chemistry-2021 “exhibition at the Moscow International Chemical Forum on October 25, 2021.